With rifles in their backs, 800 Jewish girls and women are driven through Geislingen every day.
memorial concentration satellite camp
The Geislingen satellite camp was located directly behind the reconstructed fence. In 2018, the memorial was inaugurated to remember the history of this place with all senses. The posts – original from the time – as well as the fence with screen wall symbolize the imprisonment of Jewish women and girls – separated, shielded and hidden from the eyes of the population. y behind the reconstructed fence was the KZ – satellite camp Geislingen. In 2018, this memorial was inaugurated to remember the history of this place with all senses.
The memory must not end. It must also remind future generations to be vigilant.
Roman Herzog
The wooden shoes – the only alternative to walking barefoot on the march to forced labor – stand for their clattering, which residents of that time still have in their ears today. The inscription with the quotation from the Bible in German and Hebrew – “Comfort, comfort my people! says your God” (Isaiah 40:1) – expresses our heartfelt wish for the survivors and all descendants. The information panels – part of the “Route of Industrial Culture” in the Filstal – not only briefly report on the history of the concentration camp, but also honor two women who had to wear these wooden shoes at the time and who came back to Geislingen 70 years later. At the memory of the sound of these shoes their voices failed.
The planting – mourning birch, juniper, white rose – emphasize mourning, hope and new life.
„After 70 years, I can still hear the clatter of those wooden shoes as the women walked past our house.“