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70 Jahre nach Kriegsende sind Überlebende und Angehörige gemeinsam mit Geislinger Bürgern unterwegs.

Together we can achieve a lot

The work of „remembering-honoring-reconciling“ lives from the fact that there are numerous supporters in Geislingen and the region who stand up with us against anti-Semitism and honor the families of the victims. We are very grateful for this. When there are fundraising projects, such as this website, we are happy to have our donors who generously support us.


Account details

Focus Kirche Geislingen
Kreissparkasse Göppingen
IBAN: DE08 6105 0000 0005 0039 85


If you provide your address, you will receive a donation receipt, which you can declare for tax purposes.

If you want to be mentioned in the donations, please write an email to info@kz-geislingen.de.

Our donors

Albwerk GmbH & Co.KG,

BFP AG Freiwilligendienste

Kerner Cad for Cam GmbH, Bad Überkingen

Kreissparkasse, Goeppingen

Lionsclub, Geislingen

Mirjam Care, Bad Überkingen

Schofardienst Hermann and Rosemarie Schneider, Gingen

Volksbank Göppingen eG, Göppingen

WMF GmbH, Geislingen


Bernhard and Annette Leube

Holger Scheible

Regine Duscha

Sybille Eberhardt

and others

Our supporters


CDU Ortsverband Geislingen

Evangelische Gesamtkirchengemeinde

Geislinger Zeitung

Gemeinde Gottes

Katholische Gesamtkirchengemeinde

Liebenzeller Gemeinde

Stadt Geislingen an der Steige
